Hoppere hjelper Ukraina
Initiativ fra daglig leder i ISG
Dette er et initiativ tatt av Boris som er daglig leder i ISG, og som støttes af F/NLF:
Dear Friends in Skydiving,
I would like to address every Skydiver with an urgent plea!
Please donate a symbolic jump ticket. Let us all, together with our Federations, send a message for friendship in Sport and Passion which is free of any political thoughts and beyond any borders, standing strong together.
Let us, all together, do a silent memorial Bigway and think of our Skydiving Friends in Ukraine and other countries, which got hit by this tragedy. "Together we are strong and we don’t let you down".
If it is possible for you, please transfer the money for one jump ticket onto the following bank account: 1813 59 37653 (dette er en konto opprettet av F/NLF), which was exclusively opened for this matter and which will only be used for humanitarian aid.

Through countless personal contacts from within our community, grown in 30 years of friendship, we know how horrible the situation is. A lot of refugees are already in camps, many have a first accomodation, mainly arranged through private help network and support.
We are happy to see that more and more Skydiving Federations and wind tunnels are sharing this idea with us, and also hosting events to support the victims, raise the awareness, and send together with us a strong symbol for Unity.
All major wind tunnel manufacturers immediately joined forces to support this global charity and many honored and well known members of our sport community support this idea.
Thank you so much, for standing so strong together in this, and thanks to everybody engaged one or the other way and supporting this or other missions with one global vision.
The skydiving community, a strong, international community, linked by passion, is sending out a bright and strong symbol, that humanity is standing above everything and that we don’t let friends down.
Thanks to you all, blue skies and soft tunnel walls J